Guiding women in Business to achieve their revenue goals with clarity, focus, and confidence

Resilient Women In Business

"Resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviours, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone. It is how you go through your challenges."

Cheryl Bishop Owner and Founder of Resilient Women In Business a womens professional Networking Orginization

Resilient Women is a community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who are seek guidance, support, and accountability as they take their business to the next level.

We believe that every woman has what it takes to be successful in business - it is just about learning how to get there.

We also know that success is not measured by money alone; we're committed to assisting women in business too grow personally and professionally every single day so that they can live their lives full of purpose and meaning.

About the Founder

The Founder, Cheryl Bishop, is a heart-centered International speaker, author who is devoted and passionate about assisting women to achieve more. She was in the banking industry for 16 years and had a Skincare and Fitness business where she appeared in local media.

She was once in the direct selling industry for 15 years and built up a large team of women. Cheryl saw firsthand how hard it can be for some to make an income from home.

Resilient Women offers training, coaching and support so that you can enjoy the benefits of being financially independent with your own business.

Cheryl has co authored a couple best-selling books and has spoken on stages like Mompreneur Canada, Toronto Entrepreneur Conference, Froc-alicious by Design,Calgary Residential Rental Association, Canadian

Mortgage Broker of B.C., Holistic Chamber of Commerce, and many more across Canada.

You will often hear Cheryl say, "Your Birthright is to BE Successful!

Why Resilient Women in Business was Formed

In March 2018, Cheryl was faced with an ultimatum from a company she had worked with for many years. At that time she was shocked and extremely hurt. She found herself in a place of deep reflection as to why this was happening.

Through this process Cheryl had to step up and show the team how resilient she is.

There were many days she did not want to go into the office and face the team; however, she pushed herself through this challenge as she knew this was happening for a reason.

Cheryl started asking God, “Why is this happening?” Through this questioning she heard God repeat the word “Resilient” several times. Through Cheryl’s process of searching to God she recognized He wanted her to create Resilient Women in Business. Now that she had heard Him, she needed to listen to his guidance to assist women in business.

In April 2018 Resilient Women In Business was birthed.

January 2019 Cheryl started monthly events to assist women in their business and the rest is history.

Cheryl has always had a heart to support women in business to achieve more.

Core Value of Resilient Women in Business

Courage– Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult even though they may be afraid

Positively Present– Living life in the moment while focusing on the positive in every situation

Ripple Effect- Living as if a little girl or little boy is watching you and your actions

Respect the individual– Come from a place of love for others

Gratitude– Be grateful for everything in life. The more you show gratitude the more the universe will give you to be grateful for.

Success Habits of Resilient Women in Business

Positive Attitude– Optimism is strongly related to resilience

Listening– When we listen to our inner wisdom we can get further ahead

Clarify and Verify– No assuming or judging, always seek clarity

Tenacity– Do whatever it takes to grow personally and professionally to have a great life

Committed– to do what you say you will do.

5 Key Areas To Excel in Your Growth to Maximize Success in Your Business


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